Friday, July 02, 2010


Welfare State Coming Home to Roost.

Amazing that nobody was reporting this before the Health Care Bill was passed and signed.  Not really a big shock though to those of us that knew it was going to be a mess.  First insurance premiums are skyrocketing in response to the new law and now the report that one of the things that supporters said would get better is going to actually get worse.

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding

In this May 27, 2010 photo, a patient is transferred to Hope Children's Hospital from Advocate Trinity Hospital's emergency room in Chicago. EmergencyAP – In this May 27, 2010 photo, a patient is transferred to Hope Children's Hospital from Advocate Trinity …
CHICAGO – Emergency rooms, the only choice for patients who can't find care elsewhere, may grow even more crowded with longer wait times under the nation's new health law.
That might come as a surprise to those who thought getting 32 million more people covered by health insurance would ease ER crowding. It would seem these patients would be able to get routine health care by visiting a doctor's office, as most of the insured do.
But it's not that simple. Consider:
_There's already a shortage of front-line family physicians in some places and experts think that will get worse.
_People without insurance aren't the ones filling up the nation's emergency rooms. Far from it. The uninsured are no more likely to use ERs than people with private insurance, perhaps because they're wary of huge bills.
_The biggest users of emergency rooms by far are Medicaid recipients. And the new health insurance law will increase their ranks by about 16 million. Medicaid is the state and federal program for low-income families and the disabled. And many family doctors limit the number of Medicaid patients they take because of low government reimbursements.


I don't find it surprising but what I wish people would do is wait and see what happens before they second guess it. It isn't even fully in place and won't be until 2014 as I understood it. The insurance companies will rush to assure their record profits continue and nothing was in the bill to block that. It was halfway done and as with most halfway done things, it is questionable how well it will work at least until it is adjusted. What we need are more primary care doctors but the AMA doesn't want that because it wants salaries for doctors to remain high. Insurance companies want as much as they have been getting and on it goes.
You're right Ingineer...
Intelligent folks saw this coming from thirty miles away. It's a simple supply and demand situation, isn't it? You CANNOT add several million users to any system and expect the costs to remain stagnant. And worse, some of the users we are adding to this system are "worst case" pre-existing conditions.
It's a fiasco.
What happened to "Smart Power"?
I HOPE they CHANGE this bill.
You are right Rain all of the additional job killing aspects do not take affect until after the next Presidential election. Yes we need more Primary Care Doctors and we need tort reform so we can have more Primary Care Doctors. Funny that Hillary wanted to limit the number of doctors in her Health Care plan because she said we had too many. I wish we could let the market take care of things and quit having the government try to manipulate and control everything in our lives.

Oh and we still have 22 million people that are not covered and never will be covered by Obamacare so what did we get for 2200 pages of legislation?
A lot of pats on the back? *s*
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