Wednesday, January 20, 2010


America back to a 2 party system

One of the most liberal states in the union decided they have had enough change and are returning America to a 2 party system. It looks like the people in the Bay State have demonstrated what many of us across the country feel. That America should be a 2 party system and the one party, dictatorial rule that we have had for the past 12 months was not working for us.

Hopefully now we can get some "Open" debate and bipartisanship going in the Congress and Senate for things like Healthcare reform and Cap and Tax.

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As I understood the exit polls, they said they wanted change. They just don't think they got it yet *s*
And if you read anything about Coakley, what a disastrous choice to run. The democrats got what they deserved here. Her positions on things like 'retrieved memories' of children who claim abuse was outrageous. Then she took off on vacation in the midst of the election's wind up showing she didn't care all that much. She was an extreme liberal from all I can tell which sure wouldn't appeal to the middle even in a left wing state.

I will hope for the best with Brown. He sure will be more fun to look at. You think anymore centerfolds are in his future? *s*
ingineer . . The two party idea has failed several times over the years . . . and a third party has come to the front. In most cases the third party seems to work as a spoiler as it takes votes from only one of the other parties . . which in turn splits to vote and they both lose. In thinking this through I wonder if this isn't more of less exactly what the founding fathers had in mind?

More impotant are the three major divisions of government: Executive, Justice and Congress. Each of these divisions is to lool over the shoulder of the other two. I suppose the system would be functional if Justice was partisan blind, the Executive was from one political party, and the Congress was administered by the other.

It seems to me that we get into trouble when the Exec. and the Congress leadership is from the same party. Am I right or wrong?

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