Monday, November 09, 2009
Berlin Wall
It is the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. I remember watching it on TV. What a wonderful time in our history. It had been such a symbol of oppression. It was one of the biggest historical events during my lifetime and our current President cannot take time out of his talk show and golf schedule to be a part of the ceremonies. I guess it is just too painful of a reminder that the socialist ideals of all his academic cronies do not work.
Labels: Berlin Wall, socialism
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And if he had gone to the ceremonies, you right wingers would say he was always traveling or trying to cash in on someone else's work. You will find fault either way; so he might as well please himself and oh yeah the people who actually did vote for him.
this was an interesting take on why it worked to get real change-- not the kind of attitude most righties want to encourage today but to Reagan's credit-- The myth of the wall's fall
this was an interesting take on why it worked to get real change-- not the kind of attitude most righties want to encourage today but to Reagan's credit-- The myth of the wall's fall
I would not have a problem if he would have gone to the wall ceremony. It is a legitimate trip, unlike many of the other trips he has made since taking office.
I pretty much already knew the things that are talked about in that article. But I think it is pretty funny that now you are talking about an article that says Reagan was really a dove, when in 1983 all of the liberals in this country were busy calling Reagan a warmongering Nazi and were sure he was going to start a nuclear war any minute.
I pretty much already knew the things that are talked about in that article. But I think it is pretty funny that now you are talking about an article that says Reagan was really a dove, when in 1983 all of the liberals in this country were busy calling Reagan a warmongering Nazi and were sure he was going to start a nuclear war any minute.
Whether you would have loved to see him go over there and give glory to Reagan (which he's given him credit before for things) or not, it would have made no sense right now with all that is going on in our country. He'll be at Fort Hood for the memorial there which makes more sense. The wall coming down is Germany's celebration anyway and if we were going to send any president, Bush Sr. would make more sense given he was part of that administration.
Where were you living when Reagan was president? That isn't remotely what I remember people saying about him. There were plenty of complaints-- like Iran Contra-- but nobody that I recall said he was warmongering or a Nazi. Maybe California was different. Many dems thought he was losing it which, of course, time sadly showed he was.
And that link didn't say he was a dove. It said he was willing to negotiate and would have liked to see all nuclear weapons gone. Who except a neocon would say otherwise?
It's also amazing to me that you condemn Obama for having some recreation like playing golf (which takes very little time), but it was okay when Bush ran home to Texas all the time, was biking here or there, on vacation way more than Obama has been. Any president needs recreational breaks and they all go around the country giving speeches and fundraising. If we want to change that latter thing, I suggest we fund elections and that would do a lot to end the lobbyist problem.
Where were you living when Reagan was president? That isn't remotely what I remember people saying about him. There were plenty of complaints-- like Iran Contra-- but nobody that I recall said he was warmongering or a Nazi. Maybe California was different. Many dems thought he was losing it which, of course, time sadly showed he was.
And that link didn't say he was a dove. It said he was willing to negotiate and would have liked to see all nuclear weapons gone. Who except a neocon would say otherwise?
It's also amazing to me that you condemn Obama for having some recreation like playing golf (which takes very little time), but it was okay when Bush ran home to Texas all the time, was biking here or there, on vacation way more than Obama has been. Any president needs recreational breaks and they all go around the country giving speeches and fundraising. If we want to change that latter thing, I suggest we fund elections and that would do a lot to end the lobbyist problem.
During Reagan's first term I was living about 45 miles from where I live now. I moved to this town in time to vote his second term. But that does not matter because I do not have selective memory of the criticism the left laid on Reagan.
I remember the Video of the Genisis song where Reagan starts a nuclear war at the end and the Don Henley song that called Reagan a tired old king. I also remember the ABC mini series called The Day After, it was a huge media event that portrayed the US launching and receiving a nuclear attack. It said that we had a "Launch On Warning" nuclear strategy. Everything that I have read always said that our strategy was to ride out a nuclear attack and then retaliate. It is call Mutually Assured Destruction. That is why nukes are such a strong deterrent. But we wouldn't want the truth to get in the way while bashing a republican administration. Then after the show was over they had a panel discussion on Night Line about nuclear war with people like Carl Sagan and other experts talking about how horrible it would be if we started a nuclear war.
But unlike the current fight with Islamo-fascists, the nuclear deterrent only works with nation states that actually care about their people and are trying to build a strong economy. The Al Qaida fighters do not wear a uniform or carry a banner and they do not represent a country. Big difference than past wars that we have fought.
Oh and the Nazi comment came from my then girl friend's mother who was a school teacher and a big time ERA NOW liberal.
I was quoting the article about the dove part. Believe me I believe in almost everything that Reagan stood for. I think he was a great American and a great President. All of the presidents we have had since couldn't carry his jock strap.
And the Obama golf thing was just a side bar because people criticized W for playing golf and already Obama has played as many rounds as W did in his whole first term.
It is kind of like the media reporting that W had an "obsession" with running and keeping fit like it is a bad thing. But for Obama the reporting talks about how he likes to keep his "chiseled" body in shape. The double standard just gets old some times.
I remember the Video of the Genisis song where Reagan starts a nuclear war at the end and the Don Henley song that called Reagan a tired old king. I also remember the ABC mini series called The Day After, it was a huge media event that portrayed the US launching and receiving a nuclear attack. It said that we had a "Launch On Warning" nuclear strategy. Everything that I have read always said that our strategy was to ride out a nuclear attack and then retaliate. It is call Mutually Assured Destruction. That is why nukes are such a strong deterrent. But we wouldn't want the truth to get in the way while bashing a republican administration. Then after the show was over they had a panel discussion on Night Line about nuclear war with people like Carl Sagan and other experts talking about how horrible it would be if we started a nuclear war.
But unlike the current fight with Islamo-fascists, the nuclear deterrent only works with nation states that actually care about their people and are trying to build a strong economy. The Al Qaida fighters do not wear a uniform or carry a banner and they do not represent a country. Big difference than past wars that we have fought.
Oh and the Nazi comment came from my then girl friend's mother who was a school teacher and a big time ERA NOW liberal.
I was quoting the article about the dove part. Believe me I believe in almost everything that Reagan stood for. I think he was a great American and a great President. All of the presidents we have had since couldn't carry his jock strap.
And the Obama golf thing was just a side bar because people criticized W for playing golf and already Obama has played as many rounds as W did in his whole first term.
It is kind of like the media reporting that W had an "obsession" with running and keeping fit like it is a bad thing. But for Obama the reporting talks about how he likes to keep his "chiseled" body in shape. The double standard just gets old some times.
PS Obama's taped message at the wall ceremony did not mention Reagan. He only mentioned Kennedy and himself. Typical.
Lucky you didn't vote for Obama since your last votes were for a president who did so well. I see a lot of criticism on what Obama is doing but have no idea where you get your news. To me I think they all need vacations and could care less if they golf or bike. Do what works.
Not surprisingly, I don't see Reagan as having been a good president. I think he started a lot of basic lies where you say one thing and do another. Iran Contra was a good example of deception in government to get their own aims. But I never heard anybody up here say he was a warmonger. A lot of other things but not that. Guess it was a California thing. To me Reagan was a nice man but a terrible president but then that's from a perspective other I think Reagan did us a lot of damage and not the least of which was voodoo economics. We will have to agree to disagree on him as I know he's the saint to the right.
Not surprisingly, I don't see Reagan as having been a good president. I think he started a lot of basic lies where you say one thing and do another. Iran Contra was a good example of deception in government to get their own aims. But I never heard anybody up here say he was a warmonger. A lot of other things but not that. Guess it was a California thing. To me Reagan was a nice man but a terrible president but then that's from a perspective other I think Reagan did us a lot of damage and not the least of which was voodoo economics. We will have to agree to disagree on him as I know he's the saint to the right.
And as I said, for Obama to go to the wall would have only led to distaste from the right as you proved by your dislike of his statement. If he hadn't bent over in homage to Reagan, you'd not have been satisfied. Best the taped message and less time put into it. You righties who keep wanting another Reagan are why you constantly vote for image and not ability which is also why you say we are doing that. You are seeing what you do and it's how you might end up with Sarah Palin next time or Michelle Bachman on your big ticket.
I live in the Midwest and I clearly remember the warmongering label that was placed on Reagan.
In fact so much so, that I was afraid to vote for him the first time because I was young and believed all that rhetoric. Since that was the first election to which I was eligible to vote, I decided to not at all.
I sure voted for him the second time and never regretted it one little bit.
You're right, us "righties" would love another Reagan. We believe in being a conservative over being a Republican. I'm looking at someone like Mike Pence, R-IN. There are very few true Reagan Republicans anymore.
In fact so much so, that I was afraid to vote for him the first time because I was young and believed all that rhetoric. Since that was the first election to which I was eligible to vote, I decided to not at all.
I sure voted for him the second time and never regretted it one little bit.
You're right, us "righties" would love another Reagan. We believe in being a conservative over being a Republican. I'm looking at someone like Mike Pence, R-IN. There are very few true Reagan Republicans anymore.
Well shocking though it might be, I voted for Reagan the second time also. I liked Carter and wanted to see him get his second term but four years later I did not like Mondale (weak) and really disliked Ferraro. Sometimes you have to vote for what you wouldn't prefer as the lesser of evils and I saw that to be the case for Reagan against Mondale. I think as i have said that Reagan was a good man but I disagreed with him politically. He was a pleasure to watch and listen to though :)
I am just now appreciating Reagan's speeches. Obviously they are now floating around alot of the conservative blogs and I find the similarities of what he preached to what is going on today.
I realize that speeches don't "make the man", because even though I disagreed with Bill Clinton, he was and is an eloquent speaker. And when Obama first ran, I found him also to be believable. But the more I learned about Obama (not from conservative shows, but by his own words) the more I found myself not being able to listen to him anymore.
I realize that speeches don't "make the man", because even though I disagreed with Bill Clinton, he was and is an eloquent speaker. And when Obama first ran, I found him also to be believable. But the more I learned about Obama (not from conservative shows, but by his own words) the more I found myself not being able to listen to him anymore.
At first I liked Obama too. He is young and from Hawaii and is mixed race. I thought that would be good for America, but the more I heard him talk about "fairness" and "spreading the wealth around" and many of the people that are his advisers, the more I realized he is not what I want in a president.
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