Monday, July 16, 2007


A time of war

I visited my daughter who is a US Marine at her new base on the east coast this summer. It was an eye opening experience for someone who lives in California, where we have virtually no impact from this war. No matter what your viewpoint on the Iraq war is, the truth is that we are at war with Islamo-fascists that hate America and everything it stands for.

The fact that we are at war is readily apparent when you see the security measures that are in place around the base. One of the striking things that caught my eye were the concrete barriers, to prevent suicide car bombs, around base exchange and commissary and my grandson's daycare. They are anywhere that many Marines or Marine families congregate.

This concern for security in light of foreign US barracks attacks and the attempted plot at Fort Dix really is a reminder that we cannot sit back and assume that we are safe just because there have not been any attacks on the mainland US since 9/11. Like I saw on a big electronic sign at another base this summer "Complacency Kills".

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Unfortunately, it's not just Al Qaeda that puts us at risk. It's nutcase, wanta bes, people who have the same mentality as those who bomb abortion clinics even if they have different political reasons. It is a very dangerous time in the world period
I noticed this kind of security in DC when visiting...and soilders everywhere. It was my first "a-ha" that this shit is real. I, too, am a Cali.

We, as a nation, should be officially asked to pitch in, as long as we are at war. We are too insulated from the national reality -- I just want this bloody war to be over.
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