Thursday, July 19, 2007


Society or Leadership

It was posed to me that leaders do not really direct what a society does. The society evolves and changes because of the collective actions of the members of the society.

I am not sure but I think it can be both.

Ronald Reagan was a very popular president and he was very conservative. During his tenure in the White house people started dressing neater and keeping their hair cut shorter etc.
So did people start acting more conservatively because their leader did. Or did he become our leader because people were ready to start acting more conservative and wanted a leader to reflect those values.

I remember the Just Say No to Drugs campaign. It seemed kind of silly and many of the Hollywood left and others made fun of it and ridiculed the Reagan's for it. But you know what it did work some. It worked as well as any other anti drug program worked.

I guess it is kind of a chicken and egg scenario.


Ah, you mean like they ridiculed Hillary Clinton for writing It Takes a Village while they turn around and say people have to take responsibility in their community. I suspect a lot of what we think leadership has done is how it impacted those close to us. I didn't see shorter hair on men during Reagan's turn in office. I have seen a lot of crew cuts back recently but suspect it has very little to do with the great leadership Bush has been displaying *that was tongue in cheek in case you wondered*
Well now days there is not one trend that nearly everyone follows. But I think in the 80's people started dressing nicer. Ties became popular again and hair cuts for men started getting shorter. Now many of the kids have long shaggy hair like it was 1972 again and many kids have buzz haircuts so we have both. But almost nobody tucks in their shirt anymore including me unless I am really dressing up. So I think we have gotten more casual again from Clinton to W. Remember Reagan said he felt like he needed to have a jacket on to be in the Oval Office and early on Clinton released publicity photos of him wearing jogging shorts in there. I guess they were easy to pull down.
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